A total of 50 shots are fired during the range qualification test. A score of 70% or greater is required to pass, or 175 points out of a possible 250 points.
The target used is a B-27 target (see image below), which is a human-shaped silhouette target that measures 45" high and 24" wide. All shooting is from the "ready position" where your firearm is already in a position to fire.
• Shots within the 8 ring (red) are 5 points.
• Shots within the 7 ring (blue) and outside the 8 ring (red) are 4 points.
• Shots outside the 7 ring and still on the silhouette are 3 points.
• Shots in the white area are 0 points.
Course of Fire
3 yard line - 20 shots
1 shot in 2 seconds, 5 times (5 shots total)
2 shots in 3 seconds, 5 times (10 shots total)
5 shots in 10 seconds, once (5 shots total)
7 yard line - 20 shots:
5 shots in 10 seconds, once (5 shots total)
1 shot in 3 seconds, 5 times (2 shots total)
2 shots in 4 seconds, once (3 shots total)
3 shots in 6 seconds, once (5 shots total)
5 shots in 15 seconds, once (5 shots total)
15 yard line - 10 shots:
2 shots in 6 seconds, once (2 shots total)
3 shots in 9 seconds, once (3 shots total)
5 shots in 15 seconds, once (5 shots total)

B-27 Target